Bequest Language

This is one of the most meaningful ways Portland Japanese Garden can be supported by those who have been touched in some way by the work that we are doing.  And, it’s easy to do!

If you have questions about including the Garden in your estate plans or would like a free copy of our Estate Planning Guide and Estate Inventory Form, please contact Senior Philanthropy Manager, Claire Eisenfeld, or (503) 542-0281.

Bequest Language

As a way to help simplify the process for you, we have included sample will language for your use and to share with your attorney:

I give, devise, and bequeath to Portland Japanese Garden, a non-profit Oregon Institution (tax ID# 93-0511171__________), located at 611 SW Kingston Ave, Portland, Oregon, the sum of $_________ (or _____% of my estate, or _____% of the residue of my estate) to be used for such purposes as the Board of Directors determines at the time this bequest becomes effective.

To designate your gift for a specific purpose:
Will or trust provisions may be designated for a specific purpose, such as (insert the most likely areas you would like to see donor’s support, or you know people have traditionally supported).  Donors who wish to restrict the use of their gift are encouraged to contact the Garden to ensure that we fully understand your wishes.

In the case of a restricted bequest, many people like to add language that would give Portland Japanese Garden flexibility to use the funds for some other purpose in the event that the project or purpose designated by the donor is no longer needed when the funds become available. We recommend adding the following sentence to the end of your bequest provision:

If at the time this bequest becomes effective, the funds are not needed for this purpose, then Portland Japanese Garden may use the funds instead that most closely relates to the donor’s original intention as described in this provision.